Christopher de Groot

Christopher de Groot is a musician/composer and bass player from Melbourne. He has written several scores for independent feature films, music and sound design for theatre, and several chamber works. He has a keen interest in the gamelan music of Bali which he has studied and performed for many years. He has written an opera based on the 20-hour video diaries of Bjork stalker Ricardo Lopez.

November 2013

De Stroyed

The last months of 2013 will be spent collaborating with Director Suzanne Chaundy and actor Jillian Murray on a theatrical work titled De Stroyed. De Stroyed is a one woman performance work based on the novellas and love letters of French writer and intellectual Simone de Beauvoir. I will be creating the music and sound design for this production which will have a series of development performances at Fehily Contemporary in December 2013. The work will hopefully be publicly staged in 2014. 


Sororal Premieres at Monsterfest

After several years of work by a dedicated cast, crew and post production team Sororal is having its premiere at Melbourne's Monsterfest. Sororal is Australia's first giallo film and features a score including a brass section and a choir.  


Tickets can be booked through


September 2013

Poetry In Motion at Melbourne Fringe Festival

After successful shows at Adelaide Fringe Festival, and Perth Fringeworld Festival the Eldritch Trio brings their show Poetry in Motion - The Films of Maya Deren to the Melbourne Fringe Festival for three shows. 


Dreaming, reflection, rhythm, vision, ritual and identity are all compelling themes explored by American maverick filmmaker Maya Deren. Three of her most celebrated films will be accompanied by the Eldritch Trio. The trio combine an array of acoustic instruments with electronics to create sparkling sonic landscapes and poignant juxtapositions.


Poetry in Motion features three films by Maya Deren: At Land, Ritual in Transfigured Time, and Meshes of The Afternoon.

An uncompromising artist, Deren’s films are haunting, lyrical and breathtaking fusions of human and cinematic movement. Poetry in Motion was nominated for the Film & Multimedia Award at the 2013 Fringe World Festival.

Poetry in Motion features three films by Maya Deren: At Land, Ritual in Transfigured Time, and Meshes of The Afternoon.

An uncompromising artist, Deren’s films are haunting, lyrical and breathtaking fusions of human and cinematic movement. Poetry in Motion was nominated for the Film & Multimedia Award at the 2013 Fringe World Festival.

The Eldritch Trio are:

Christopher de Groot - keyboards, bass flute & electronics

Callum Moncrieff - vibraphone & percussion

Tristen Parr - electric cello and effects

Poetry A6 flyer_front.jpg

August 2013


Helpmann Award Nomination

The musical score for Duck Death & The Tulip was nominated for a 2013 Helpmann award for Best Musical Direction. The music forDD&T was composed by Christopher de Groot, Callum Moncrieff and Tristen Parr, musical direction by Tristen Parr. 

The annual Helpmann Awards recognise distinguished artistic achievement and excellence in the many disciplines of Australia's vibrant live performance sectors, including musical theatre, contemporary music, comedy, cabaret, opera, classical music, theatre, dance and physical theatre. 


The Helpmann Awards, named in honour of Sir Robert Helpmann and to commemorate his memory and achievements, were established in 2001 by Live Performance Australia (LPA) to recognise, celebrate and promote our live performance industry, similar to the Tony Awards on Broadway and the Olivier Awards in London.


July 2013

Eldritch Trio at Improvention

The Eldritch Trio reunite in Canberra for this year's Improvention festival - a festival dedicated to the art of theatre Improvisation. We will be performing in a show called Zeitgeist presented by Glenn Hall on the 21 and 22 of July 2013. The show, as well as the music will be totally improvised!

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March 2013


Associate Artist - Australian Music Centre

I have been accepted as associate artist with the Australian Music Centre (AMC). The AMC is the national service organisation dedicated to the promotion and support of both the artform of music and the creators and performers of contemporary classical, improvised jazz, experimental music and sound art in Australia.


I'm thrilled to be represented by the AMC. A selection of my scores and recordings will be housed at the AMC.


Poetry In Motion at Adelaide Fringe

After a sold out show at Perth Fringe World Festival and a nomination for best show in the film category, the Eldritch Trio (formerly Loudly Whispered) brought the films of Maya Deren to Adelaide Fringe Festival. Deren was one of the most important American experimental filmmakers and entrepreneurial promoters of the avant-garde in the 1940s and 1950s.

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February 2013

Poetry In Motion at Fringe World

"It was the most artistic experience I have had in recent times" - The West Australian

On the third of February the Eldritch Trio held a sell out show at Perth's Fringe World Festival performing live scores for three Maya Deren films: At LandRitual In Transfigured Time and Meshes of The Afternoon. They were subsequently nominated for an award in the multimedia category. 

The Eldritch Trio combine an array of acoustic instruments with electronics to create brooding sonic landscapes and poignant juxtapositions. 

The Eldritch Trio:

Tristen Parr - electric cello & effects

Callum Moncrieff - vibraphone & percussion

Christopher de Groot - keyboards, bass flute & electronics
